Árbol de páginas

Denominators are data dimensions that serve to:

  • Fractionalize (“slice and dice”) Metrics so that they can be read out at various levels of detail
  • Normalize Metrics across institutions to enable comparison between units of different sizes


  • Institution
  • Discipline
  • Researcher
  • FTE (full-time equivalent) count
  • Research student
  • Funder-type
  • Funding-type
  • Time period
  • Full-time or part-time research students
  • Home or overseas research students
  • Gender

SGI. Includes CRUE, OTRI and UGI

  • Type of Researcher-PDI
  • Teaching area
  • Type of award (including internal financing project)
  • State of award
  • Countries / Nationality (also national and international)
  • Region
  • Knowledge area (for award, outcome, tutor, student, researcher)
  • Research activity
  • Type of academic program
  • Type of contract art83
  • Contract state
  • Type of patent
  • Period of ownership
  • Patent state
  • European patent
  • Spinoff/TBC/Startup state
  • Technological offer state
  • Research Group
  • Research Line
  • CRUE: Type of student: athlete, disabled, from high school, from professional training
  • CRUE: Professional group
  • CRUE: Type of contract
  • CRUE: Type of staff
  • CRUE: Type of salary
  • OTRI: State of award
  • OTRI: Type of award
  • OTRI: Type of collaborator company
  • OTRI: Industrial sector (CNAE)
  • UGI: Type of project
  • UGI: Project state
  • Sin etiquetas