Árbol de páginas

These are the expected users:

  • User. He or she get access to the system functions through its interface.
    • Researcher (general) uses metrics to estimate the relevance of ROs and their impact in his or her knowledge areas; and to link with other researchers.
    • Main researcher
    • Main researcher uses metrics to decide the quality of the research path of a researcher or group. He or she also uses them to search for synergies with potential partners to create research groups.
    • Researcher in the impact metrics knowledge area. She or he develops and defines new impact metrics to describe the quality of the research.
    • Transfer or Research Management technician, especially the managers of investments. They will use metrics to evaluate suitable research groups, make predictions and projections on the impact of investments.
    • Academic positions related with research or research transfer.
    • Researcher. 
    • Non-researcher staff.
    • Staff from public administrations (regional, national, international) involved in the management of R+D and in financing actions of research or transfer.
    • Any citizen interested in how the public funds are invested.
    • Journalist interested making an article, e.g. about the state of the R+D in Spain; or about the results or impact of Spanish research; or to compare universities or centres.
    • Private companies.
  • Registered user (initially, for researchers and non-researcher staff). They can log in the system to access some other functions:
    • Personalise the metric dashboard.
    • Develop new metrics.
    • Access some private data (if there was).
  • Bot. It access the linked open data
  • System / Platform administrator.

The privacy management proposal is inspired by the "The Snowball Metrics Exchange service", but it adds an additional private level. The metrics privacy proposal has 3 options:

  • Public. These are metrics that could be used to build public dashboards that allow any user to visualise, understand and compare the researching activities of any university, group of research or researcher. 
  • Restricted. These metrics could be used to build dashboard that only a group of universities and public administrations could see. Inside this group is possible to compare between universities, groups of research or researchers.
  • Private. These metrics could only be used to build a dashboard visible just for the university that produces the information.
  • Sin etiquetas